Colaboración en la cadena

A Dekker Chrysanten le gusta compartir sus conocimientos
En calidad de una de las empresas de mejora y multiplicación prestigiosas en el cultivo ornamental nos gusta compartir nuestros conocimientos. Esto lo hacemos en el marco de distintas colaboraciones. Algunas veces orientadas a una mayor eficiencia y efectividad en la mejora, otras para promocionar al sector como empleador o para que las flores adquieran un mayor protagonismo. Pero siempre con la idea de que la unión hace la fuerza!


Dekker Chrysanten is one of the members of the GenNovation strategic partnership together with Florensis, Vletter & Den Haan, and Anthura. The objective of this partnership with other breeders and propagators is to speed up the development process of new varieties by sharing knowledge about genetic processes.



Plantum is the trade association for companies active in the propagation material sector. It is the consultation partner for government authorities and other stakeholders and has the objective to maintain and strengthen the international position of the Netherlands in the greenhouse horticultural sector. Dekker Chrysanten is a member of Plantum.

Seed Valley

Seed Valley is a platform for companies which are specialized in plant and seed technology. All the big companies in Noord-Holland, including Dekker Chrysanten, has joined Seed Valley. The purpose of Seed Valley is to promote the employment opportunities in plant breeding and seed technology amongst future employees and students.


Chrysanthemum Valley

The vision for a colourful future